Cleaner For Silestone Quartz Countertops. For this reason, it is not recommended that the product be exposed to sustained contact with a heat source, nor should hot saucepans. Although Silestone can withstand high temperatures for short periods of time, its performance varies with respect to different factors like thickness, color, location, etc.

Consistency in care is the important aspect with Silestone and that can be easily achieved through simple cleaning processes, as Silestone is known With oil stains, you can use any cleaner that is pH balanced and can be directly applied to your quartz countertops.
White Granite Countertops, Quartz Kitchen Countertops, Marble Quartz, Calacatta Quartz, Quartz Countertops Colors, Silestone Countertops To learn more about Silestone Quartz Countertops, contact Marble Concepts to speak to a friendly customer service representative by calling.
A wide variety of quartz countertops silestone options are available to you, such as countertop material, artificial stone type. We layered in low-maintenance quartz countertops and pillowed, marble full height bacskplash with custom inset accent tiles behind the sink to add personality and texture. These substances can wear down quartz with repeated use.