Laminate Versus Granite Countertops. Even better, it installs as easily as any other tile, though cutting it can be a chore. The good news is that granite makes a beautiful and durable countertop.
Top Selected Products and Reviews. "Not liking [granite countertops] may be a First World problem but the ecological implications are not. Laminate Shirts can be found in a vast selection of shades and patterns. Lay the granite countertop face-down on a large work table.
Laminate Counters Are Highly Heat resistant.
What will Granite Countertops cost you?
Quartz vs Granite countertops: which one is better? and You may be surprised to learn that modern plastic laminate countertops can withstand high temperatures; so much so that Consumer Reports gave both them and granite the same rating of 'Excellent' when they tested them. Any dealer that will supply and install granite countertops will come out and do the measuring.