Formica Butcher Block Countertops. "Fake butcher block countertops" are another one of those original vintage house features that I often hear called "hideous" on other websites. End grain butcher block countertops from The Hardwood Lumber Company add warmth and beauty to any kitchen.
Wood countertops, including butcher block, are relatively easy to fabricate, install, and finish on a do-it-yourself basis. Let us help you with your home improvement project. Is butcher block the right material for your kitchen?
Wood countertops, including butcher block, are relatively easy to fabricate, install, and finish on a do-it-yourself basis.
Sealing butcher block countertops is a practical and affordable way to protect the surface of the material and bring out the natural beauty of the wood work space.
View our selection today to find your new countertop. Neither are the butcher block countertops sold in the home centers nor the formica plastic laminate ones (the image embedded under the melamine surface isn't. My butcher block counter piece next to my stove before mineral oil.