Acrylic Epoxy Countertops. The process of pouring resin is really fantastic! Structurally speaking, your countertop might be in OK shape, but it might be time to do something about it if its tired appearance makes your kitchen look dated.
The types of labs where Epoxy resin countertops are popular are pharmaceutical, educational, hospitals, medical, R&D labs, microbiology, biomedical, biological science labs, molecular pathology, and industrial testing. Forget all about scouring pads and all-purpose cleaners as they'll only dull the surface of the countertops and leave you with a damaged, weird-looking countertop surface you'll have to replace soon after. You have to see these stunning epoxy resin works and the.
Countertop Epoxy provides metallic countertop epoxy kits to coat over existing countertops or new ones.
Implicit of its name, polyurethane is plastic and can be solvent (oil) or water (acrylic) based.
Although pricier, Leggari does not require using a blow torch. Cover your newly built or existing countertops, bartops or tabletops with our professional grade solid resin epoxy for a lifetime finish. It will save you from having to deal with wear and tear, even in high traffic areas.