Countertop Engineered Stone. Engineered stone countertops are created using a process that binds crushed stone together utilizing a polymer resin. Quartz countertops (also know as engineered stone) are the answer.
The application of these products depends on the original stone used. Unlike natural stone countertops that are cut from pure granite , marble or sandstone, engineered stone counters are made from quartz crystals held together with a resin. They can be cleaned easily with mild soap and water, are scratch and chip resistant and available in a wide range of colors and styles.
By design, engineered stone countertops overcome some of the disadvantages of their natural stone counterparts.
Quartz is an abundant natural stone, but when formulated into a countertop, it is considered "engineered stone." Engineered stone countertops are created from crushed quartz crystals combined with resin and other synthetic materials, such as pigments.
The natural stone crystals are blended and heated to create the surface of the engineered stone. The surface resists heat, staining, scratches and chemicals. These countertops may have visible seams.